Tales of the Jedi – Dooku

How does a Jedi fall? We review the three episodes of “Tales of the Jedi” that cover Dooku’s radicalization into a Sith. Are the Jedi pawns of a corrupt senate? Do Blue Lightsaber lives matter? We discuss it all and get deep into the paint on some German history. Sorry about that everyone.

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Ewoks (1985) – Season 1, Episode 1 – Cries of the Trees

During our review of Bombad Jedi, we rolled a one on the chance cube, so we have to review an Ewoks episode in sequence. So we reviewed Season 1, Episode 1 – Cries of the Trees where we get to learn about Ewok culture in this new format. Originally aired in 1985, does it hold up? Is it good Star Wars? Let’s find out.